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Frequently Asked Questions

Migration Support

Congratulations on launching your new website!

We understand that venturing to a new digital platform may bring various questions, so we want you to know that we are here to support you every step of the way.

To ensure a smooth experience, we have compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) and created easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions that cover the essential aspects of managing your new website. These resources will provide you with detailed guidance, enabling you to quickly find answers to your questions and perform various tasks efficiently.

We recommend accessing our extensive training video hub. Our comprehensive video library breaks down concepts into easily digestible chunks, allowing you to navigate through the onboarding process and harness the capabilities of your Website Manager site with ease.

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Logging into Website Manageris a simple process that allows you to access and manage your site's content. If you are an existing Emerald Connect client switching to Website Manager, your current login credentials will remain the same.  

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How to Reset Your Password
No need to worry if you've forgotten your password. Just follow the step-by-step instructions below to confidently reset your password and continue accessing your online resources without interruption. 

Quick Steps to Reset Password

  1. Go to 
  2. Click the 'Password' link text
  3. Enter the email address and Username associated with your emerald website account on this page.
  4. Click the "Recover" button.
  5. If the email address is correct, a success message will appear saying "Sent! Check your email. Check your email to get your reset link and create your new password."
  6. If the email address is incorrect, you will see a failure message stating "ATTENTION! Failed to send a confirmation email. Please try again later."
  7. Check your email inbox promptly for an email titled "Website Manager: Your Password Reset Request."
  8. Should the link in the email expire, you will need to repeat these steps to complete your password reset.

Key Points to Consider

  • After 3 failed login attempt your account will be locked.
  • The authentication process requires your prompt attention within 15 minutes. Make sure you can access the email address associated with your account to complete the necessary action within this timeframe.

Need Additional Support?

  • If your account is locked or accessing the associated email address is not feasible, you can seek additional assistance by contacting the Client Support Team. Please dial 800-233-2834 and select option 2 for support.
  • Alternatively, you may direct your inquiry via email to for assistance.


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During the migration period, users can access Emerald Connect to view the existing website, contact form details, analytics, images, compliance history, and content. All content, with the exception of contact form data, will be transitioned to Website Manager. It is recommended to extract any necessary contact form data if required.

After your Website Manager site successfully migrates to live, access to Emerald will be discontinued.

To streamline your onboarding process and equip you with the skills to update your site's content with ease, we've provided a focused step-by-step guide. 

Click the link below to access the guide and start tailoring your site's message.

Learn How

Discover a plethora of engaging sections on our training website, including headers, footers, hero banners, events, singular and multi-item content, carousels, team profiles, contact forms, highlights, insights, and video placement options.

With layouts designed for ease of use and customization, you can choose from light, dark, or primary color schemes, ensuring a visually appealing and user-friendly experience tailored to your preferences. 

Open the document to delve deeper into the customizable layouts and color options available.

Open Document to Learn More

Incorporating a favicon into your website significantly enhances its visibility, professionalism, and brand identity. This small icon, known as a favicon or favorite icon, displays next to your site's title on a tab or within a bookmark list, facilitating instant recognition by users.

Learn how to customize or add a favicon to your Website Manager platform, enhancing your site's identity and user experience.

Learn How

Customize your color palette by using the color picker tool to select specific hues, or choose from preset options. Any changes made to the colors will be automatically applied throughout your entire website, ensuring a consistent and cohesive look across all pages.

Learn How

Certain functionalities previously available in the Emerald platform have been phased out and are now unsupported in Website Manager. Learn which features or content types that Website Manager no longer supports.

Acknowledging these changes is important for your website strategy, enabling you to adjust and find alternative methods for managing your site's content if necessary.

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This guide will cover the following processes:

  • How to generate RSS code on AdvisorStream
  • How to add AdvisorStream code to Website Manager
  • How to share content from AdvisorStream to Website Manager 
After going through this guide, you will have successfully set up a feed that allows you to pass content from AdvisorStream to Website Manager.  This feed makes the content sharing
process incredibly quick and simple: a few clicks and the new content is on your website in real time.

AdvisorStream Step by Step Guide

Whether you're a seasoned user aiming to refresh your knowledge or new to Website Manager seeking to build a strong foundational understanding, our Terms & Definitions page is tailor-made for you. We've compiled a comprehensive guide designed to enhance your understanding and proficiency.

Go to Terms & Definitions

Once the information is submitted, an email notification informing the recepient that a form has been submitted on the website, along with a direct link to access the site. 

Once logged in, click the envelope in the upper right corner to view the notifications.

contact form alert
To view the content of the form notification, click on the blue text associated with the form type. 

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Here to Help

We know your digital presence is important and we're here to help.  If you're not finding the answers you need, please send us a note and we'll get back in touch right away.

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